July 30 is set aside as a day to remember the victims of human trafficking around the world and, hopefully, to commit to prevention.
A few participating sites are acknowledged:
Joysmithfoundation.com states that even in Canada, 93% of the victims are Canadian citizens. Human slavery is a terrible violation and we are all citizens of the world. We need to protect and cherish each other within our own country and beyond.
The United Nation Office on Drugs and Crime website shares the experiences of voices of survivors. See UNODC.org/endht.
“Human trafficking takes many forms and knows no borders. Human traffickers too often operate with impunity, with their crimes receiving not nearly enough attention. This must change.” UN Secretary-General
See also Notinmycity.ca/be-an-ally/.
It is important to remember that all trafficking would not exist without consumers. Any commodification of human beings opens the door to those who would exploit for profit. Please be part of the solution.