March 10 ~ IWD ~ Human Rights Award

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March 10, 2024: International Women’s Day Celebration

Andrea Heinz and Kathy King were proud recipients of the inaugural Dr. Zohra Husaini Memorial Award presented by the Indo-Canadian Women’s Association for Exceptional Dedication to Advancing Women’s Human Rights.

Eligibility criteria were that recipients must have exhibited exceptional dedication to advancing women’s human rights across various disciplines and fields of endeavor, plus actively contributed to at least one innovative project aimed at furthering women’s human rights. 

We are extremely grateful to Kate Quinn, our long time colleague and mentor, for her very generous joint nomination in recognizing our collaborative work over the years and the potential impact of our recently published book. It was and is particularly meaningful that we were recognized in the context of women’s human rights!

Once again, if you have not already done so, please go to our author page @ for further information and purchase options.

Our publishers advised last year that we will need to spend as much time promoting our book as we did writing so we anticipate considerable continued activity. Thanks again to the Indo-Canadian Women’s Association for recognizing When Men Buy Sex: Who Really Pays? and for the unexpected and much appreciated launch.