Reflections on Diversity, Uniqueness, and Love

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With great humility, I share my vision that every being in the world is incredibly special and uniquely beautiful.  These differences must be celebrated in a context of love, joy, compassion, and service to humanity.  Our mission is to support each other in developing the best of our potential in the wonderful diversity that has been provided by Creator.

The words seem so simple.  I have heard them and used them many times over the years.  Love is a common thread through literature, music, art and spirituality, a concept and comfort we all seek and embrace.  Addictions are a stumbling block, bringing poignancy to each new day.  How can we ensure Spirit yearnings follow a path of health and happiness?

The greatest gift we can give our children is the security and reassurance they are welcome, appreciated, and complete in who they are and the unfolding of who they will become.  Each child has a distinctive potential for learning, caring, and development.  Our role as parents is to cherish all children and guide their innocence, curiosity, and determination in the path of safety, peace, freedom, equality, and love.

In the epi-genetic reality in which we all evolve, deficiencies in encouragement are carried from generation to generation.  Some people seem to grow up spontaneously cheerful and generous; others seem prone to sadness and destruction.

I grew up gloomy, feeling that my presence was more tolerated than cherished and that I owed an unknown debt.  Discontent and alienation lingered, fueled by a search for what was real or at least “enough.”  I shrank from criticism, became cynical, and defended my limited perspective.

Healing happened slowly over the years as I opened my heart and mind to new experiences and understanding.  I listen for wisdom in the words of well-intended teachers, study the habits of inspirational colleagues, and consciously explore new perceptions and beliefs.

How much more difficult, I often wonder, for those who have been more seriously abused and exploited through their tender years.  How hard is it to believe in oneself when no one believed in them?  How can someone love themselves when they have never been loved or when so-called love came with a terrible price?

We tend to resort to criticism and blame when life circumstances seen awry.  It is often easier to love abstract ideals than to deal with difficult people.  The bigger challenge to to breathe deeply, hold peace in my heart, seek to understand the cares of others, offer benevolent intentions, smile with genuine loving acceptance, listen respectfully, argue less, comfort the wounded, and to give thanks for all opportunities of learning and sharing.